Conceptual Study for Multi-product Interconnecting Oil Pipeline

  • A Screening study for construction of an interconnecting pipeline between two existing multi-product pipeline systems. The service has included a supplementary study of additional options for interconnecting pipeline configurations, 50 km and 80 km in length.

Pre-Feasibility Study for Oil Pipeline

A Pre-Feasibility Study for 630 km Oil Product Pipeline from oil port to Joint Storage Terminal in South East Asia.

The service has included

·       Preliminary Demand Assessment

·       Desktop Route Corridor survey

·       Preliminary Pipeline Hydraulics & sizing

·       Intermediate Pump Station locations

·       Project Schematic

·       Route Map

·       Preliminary cost estimate

Pre-Feasibility Study for Jet Fuel Pipeline

A Pre-Feasibility Study for 100 km pipeline to transport Jet Fuel from Oil Port to the proposed new International Gateway Airport in South East Asia.

The service has included

·       Desktop Route Corridor survey

·       Preliminary Pipeline Hydraulics & sizing

·       Route Options Map

·       Preliminary cost estimate

Feasibility Study for Jet Fuel Pipeline

A Techno-economic feasibility study for a jet fuel spur pipeline to airport in Europe.

The service has included

·       Preliminary Routing

·       Pipe Sizing

Study for DC Rail Interference

A review of possible stray current effects from DC rail systems on integrity of parallel pipelines.

The service has included

·       Gathering and assessment of Rail system design and operational data from Rail operators

·       Stray current synchronous field testing

·       Software modelling and assessment

·       Stray current mitigation Guidance

·       Field Visit and Workshop

·       Study Report and recommendations